The Day of Mini Workshops was a success and was super packed!!!
Shayna's Fire Fan Belly Dance Performance at the Asian Culture Festival March 3, 2013. Come join us Sunday, January 27th at 3:00 pm for a Belly Dance Garage Sale and Show.
We are now accepting performers and vendors. Please email if interested! (Experienced performers preferred and gently used items please.) Vendors are required to pay a $10 donation towards the hors d'ouevres. Thank you! This November, we here at Bellydancing By Shayna have a lot to give "Thanks" for... in just this past month, I been featured in a music video, belly danced on Univision's Mira Quien Baila, and am now filming advanced instructional videos for a new online website! I will also be starting my own instructional video websites for my students. Music Video I was featured in the music video for Elvis Crespo's hit song "Pegaito Suavecito." My pictures are also on all of Elvis Crespo's social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channel. Here are some pix and the "behind the scenes" video! The official music video can be found on the home page and gallery page. Television Last week I had the privilege of dancing for Univision's Mira Quien Baila (Look Who's Dancing). I got to meet lots of Latin celebrities! And I even performed with Fire Fans! Instructional Videos I am now filming instructional videos for a new online video company: The website will launch very soon; it's only $15 a month and you get to watch unlimited videos on many styles of dance, yoga, pilates, fitness and more! Click the link to sign up now and get a FREE MONTH when the site is launched! Instructional Video Websites for Students
I will also be launching my very own instructional video websites. They will be level specific websites so students can learn and practice the moves taught in their level. This is a great way to practice those tough moves, get ready for your evaluation test, or learn what you missed last class! Stay tuned for website launches! There will be discounts for the first few students who sign up once the sites are active! Hello Everyone! I will be performing in Orlando Saturday, November 17th at the Sparkles Bellydance Gala. Details below. If you would like to purchase tickets let me know!
Thursday, September 30, The Falls Shopping Center held a cancer fundraiser called: "Strut your Stuff for Cancer." My Snake Charmers and I donated a free performance for the cause. We started off our set with a solo performance from me to get things started (video above); however, soon after I started dancing... it started to RAIN! Not just a little drizzle, but a full on storm with lightning and thunder! So what does a belly dancer do in this situation you may ask? Well, with this particular belly dancer, "The Show Must Go On!" So I kept dancing my heart out and actually had even more fun as the rain hit my face and the thunder provided more "boom" to my performance. The crowd, all gathered under umbrellas and overhangs, stared intently as I dared to shimmy, spin, and undulate on a wet stage. Before you know it, my song had ended and the applause had began. Next up, "Shayna and the Snake Charmers!" My performance troupe had no fear as they took the stage with excitement and a slight hint of nervousness in their eye. After some slight music issues, we were able to dance (as good as we could all huddled together to stay under the little overhang above us.) All in all, we did our thang and showed courage and personality while we did it. In my experience, these uncontrollable-random-unfortunate situations provide for a more exciting and memorable show!