Zizi Zabaneh Mini Workshop! "Arab-Flamenco Fan Fusion!"
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"Arab-Flamenco Fan Fusion!" 12:30-2:00 pm
South Florida's Flamenco-Bellydance Fusion master, Zizi, will be teaching a spicy fusion dance routine. Students will learn fundamental Flamenco moves that can be incorporated into their belly dance routines. Students will learn Fan work, Skirt technique, Braseo (arm work), dance improvisation, combinations and much more! Zizi will put all of what was learned into a powerful fan choreography!
The Fans are optional and will be sold separately for $20.
(Big gypsy skirts are optional too.) Those that do not have a fan, can adapt with hand movements. The fan is an extension of the arm, so if students don't have one they'll be fine, they'll just have shorter arms!
South Florida's Flamenco-Bellydance Fusion master, Zizi, will be teaching a spicy fusion dance routine. Students will learn fundamental Flamenco moves that can be incorporated into their belly dance routines. Students will learn Fan work, Skirt technique, Braseo (arm work), dance improvisation, combinations and much more! Zizi will put all of what was learned into a powerful fan choreography!
The Fans are optional and will be sold separately for $20.
(Big gypsy skirts are optional too.) Those that do not have a fan, can adapt with hand movements. The fan is an extension of the arm, so if students don't have one they'll be fine, they'll just have shorter arms!